A man overcome by loneliness and guilt tries to leave everything behind. As he travels through increasingly desolate landscapes, he realizes that he cannot escape from himself. A visceral and stark portrait relieved by occasional bursts of colour, humour and hope.
Robin Pineda Gould (Director)
Robin Pineda Gould is a Montreal based artist. He works primarily with video and sound. His work explores the social and political dimensions of presence. He thinks of image collections as pathways that can reconfigure and deconstruct our structures of desire and individuality. He also works extensively with contemporary dance. His audio-visual work has been presented at Usine C, the Canadian Centre for Architecture, Tangente, Monument-National & Agora de la Danse… His first alchemical video installation premiered in New York in 2012 at the AC Institute. He presently is finishing a master’s thesis and describes his visual work as a continuous search for the miraculous through the life of the image in the soundscapes of time.
Robin Pineda Gould Director
Parts+Labour_Danse Producer