MillO Dance Projects
Foujita Foujita is a playful look at the luxuries and hardships of Japanese French painter Léonard Foujita Tsuguharu. A man who straddled two countries, known for his absurd and iconic looks, Foujita and his vast portfolio is a treasured part of art history.
Mayumi Lashbrook (Director)
Choreographer Mayumi Lashbrook (she/her) embodies Foujita’s determination and shameless drive for notoriety. She pays homage to the painter’s heyday in Paris, France when he was living next to Modigliani and Soutine in Cité Falguière – the historic location where the film is shot. Foujita Foujita is a glimpse at a Japanese visionary building a legacy within Eurocentric standards during the interwar period of the Roaring Twenties.
Mayumi Lashbrook Director, Choreographer and Performer
Maximiliano Battaglia Cinematography and Editing
Ponita KeoAssisting Direction
Owen Moran Sound Design