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In Shift (1)

In Shift

In Shift is an interactive movement installation that uses motion capture technology to visually transform participants into a “state” of air. Borrowing from somatic movement practices, In Shift allows for new ways of seeing and experiencing the moving body. The work expands on ideas first explored with Exquisite Consequence (featured at d:mic/fac in 2017) and includes a collaborative video component that is developed collectively by all participants.

Luke Garwood dances, choreographs, and makes hybrid media pieces. He has performed professionally with many of Toronto’s foremost dance makers. Garwood has a degree in Digital Futures from OCAD University and his interest in creating hybrid media encompasses 3D modelling, tactile AR, 360 films, motion capture, and VR.


Conceived and created by Luke Garwood

Luke’s Headshot by Franck Butaye

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